
目前顯示的是 2016的文章

The Society Laments

The society laments Our souls died in that pool As blood seeping into thousand gloppy hearts Road to the last stage of cramping purgatory completes its pavement right on the spot Human southern of that acidity Turns its face with that pretend sanity A wind blows You are sane You are a good person You know justice You urge for the rule of one-for-all solution You cry for revelation of the making of those monsters (Which you probably don’t actually care) Yet listed upon the walls of faces and voices, The glimpse of what is becoming us betwixt threads of tiny tinge for the very essence of civil human You chose to ignore (See?) Say, one word, for a justified reason to kill An absolute one without twist Destined to fulfill only your own thirst of that savage gossiping justice Indifference to what lies beyond your very own precious and peaceful life Yes and kill Without thoughts further than that surging thirst Eliminate the demon ...


他們在死掉的布上作畫 有一種無盡的恨意漫出 溢滿的怒 吃不進色的豔 他們在死掉的布上作畫 另一種無盡的陳苛吸斂 炸開的塵 止不住擴散的顏 死掉的布上 一抹抹混沌畫作 各自任意找尋出路 屍臭吃進宿痾 林立的孤子夾道 病弱的白道來理路 窮盡蒼皁 沉痾不苛乃天則 殊才同巾是穹途 字牌灼燒塊塊青坏 燒起破片疙瘩 那靜止的想像 殺絕未來的畫布 塵煙過後 找不到枉然的盡頭 化作灰燼的百足 啖起屍布 豔了色 絕怒 焚恨 無 漿色


魚纏住了線 收不回的彼端 月色佇足 塗不上炫染白漆 熟莫了這塵凡絲線素張 僅一愁滄浪的石灰坑 落下煙煙阻絕清明的氣色 剪了線 逃了魚 縱歸洋 夜無了