
目前顯示的是 2015的文章


戴了好一陣子的新眼鏡,兩端耳朵支架是細長樣子,支架尾各套上一管扁平的塑膠套。套管很滑溜,但因為長所以平時並無大礙,只是偶然拔下時會卡住頭髮,有幾次便是這樣掉了。前次掉了之後很幸運的在隔天找回來,後來便很注意。無奈上週去台東時不知何時沒注意到又掉了一管,這次應該是回不來了。 戴上少了一邊套管的眼鏡,罷了,就暫時如此吧。哪天心血來潮時也許會改用什麼東西包上去替代套管。


如果沒有意外,今年結束前會開始新的賭盤。順利的話,這幾個月內會開始吧。 目前規劃的字量可能會在一週 2000 到 2500 字中間,因為接下來這部作品預計要寫的故事量比起之前多上許多,若字數太少拖久了並不是好事,但字數一多就必須要有良好的規劃。我最擔心的部分是a)寫的時間不夠、b)接續段落忽然沒靈感,這些都有可能發生。那 a 只能聽天命,自己最能掌握的是 b,唯一解是把所有段落都規劃好,一步步寫成。想得很美,開筆下去才知道會不會出事……


生活逼迫的滴答聲 不見蹄停 在夜裡 想見白日鬱鬱深青 沈了 重了 落空的期待 走了 鈴聲留下 不由身 似非己 困於城市巷弄 不見日昇月陰 嚎號聲森 石林疊影 看盡世間白星盞盞明滅 尋不著適恰的切音 嘈雜人聲不定 隨日月 不見日月 蹄蹄不見止息 不得閒憩 鈴聲聲亮跌盪 風寂若起 一聲靜 一聲不盡 星燃宛在 道 何時了 有無期 僅餘一響困鈴 叮 釘


Walking into ever-morphing scenes of this delirious impetus, it is one of the ones that constitutes this colossus. One gains its awareness from some, some gains from the other, the other from the lost linking of the origin. It, as one of the ones that constitutes this, enjoys the dejecting spark of awakening, then wades into the current. Again, and again, and again. Washed offshore. Relentless current deluges one of the ones. The dimming sparkle brimmed-over loses its hope once more. It hears the roaming sound of the cities, frightened. Cities hustle, cities bustle, into sinews of that creature, the one that one of the ones constitutes. It sees. That colossal collection of silhouettes lures behind, as humanoid skyline shapes into existence. It’s mawing, mawing at those one of the ones. What drives this? One asks. And WHY! One screams. Albeit no one bothers to reply. It’s just those eaten ones who care. The uncanny truth of the insane sinews joining its alienating nature sh...